Mon 27 Jan
!! ¥oUr W@¡† ¡§ Ov€r !!! N@UGh†¥ ©U†¡€ ☎ §€X¥ §W€€† †R€Å† - 28
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Area (will travel ))
Fri 10 Jan
WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚♡ WHEN I'M ♚♡♚♡A SURE ♚♡♚♡WIN ♚♡♚♡- -♥-» #1 STRESS RELIVER ;)) Miss Jazzi - 28
(Lubbock, Lubbock an Surrounding Areas)
Sun 05 Jan
ReLaXe REcHarGe ReSt0rE PlAtInUm PlaymATe B0dy RUbs "Simply The Best" MaNiC M0ndAy SPeCiAL - 25
(Midland / Odessa, MiDLANd)
Sat 04 Jan
ReLaXe REcHarGe ReSt0rE PlAtInUm PlaymATe B0dy RUbs "Simply The Best" MaNiC M0ndAy SPeCiAL - 25
(Midland / Odessa, MiDLANd)